Launch of MEA Performance Smart Board
As per directions from the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Ministry of External Affairs launched its Performance Dashboard - MEA Performance SmartBoard on the 14th of August, inaugurated by the Hon'ble Minister of External Affairs - Dr. S Jaishankar.
The Performance Smart Board has been created on key target areas, capturing all major schemes, programmes and interventions of the Ministry. The dashboard is intended to track performance within the government and also to keep the citizens, diaspora and foreigners informed of the various services, activities and functioning of the Ministry.
The Performance Smart Board launched by MEA captures a total of 20 Major Indicators sliced and diced across 5 Clusters -
(i) Citizen Services,
(ii)Trade & Commerce,
(iii) Development Partnership,
(iv) International Engagement,
(v) Diaspora Engagement.
The MEA Performance SmartBoard is available on